1998-2006 - founding VSITE on tradition and experience
The College for Information Technology and the professional study of information technologies were initiated by teachers of the professional study of computer science at the Zagreb Teaching Center of the Department of Professional Studies at the University of Split. These are teachers who studied computer science in 2000/2001. performed in Zagreb, 2001/2002 in Križevci and from 2002/2003. in Sisak.
The professional study of computer science, the forerunner of the undergraduate professional study of information technology, has been conducted since the founding of the Polytechnic of Split in 1998 as a field of electronics, and since 2000 it has been conducted on the basis of a permit from the Ministry of Science and Technology.
The study of computer science has continued since 2003 at the Department of Professional Studies of the University of Split in seven teaching centers - Split, Knin, Ploče, Zagreb, Križevci, Sisak, Vukovar.
The Department of Professional Studies received a positive opinion from the reviewers in the process of adapting the same concept of studies to the Bologna process called the Professional Study of Information Technology.
The professional study of computer science in Zagreb has been active since 2000/2001. until 2007/2008, and about three hundred students graduated from it.
10/25/2006 - establishment of VSITE
The College for Information Technology was founded on October 25, 2006. based on the temporary permit of the Minister of Science, Education and Sports for the Professional Study of Information Technologies (Class: UP / I-602-04 / 06-11 / 00003; Number: 533-07-06-0006). The first generation of students of the Professional Study of Information Technologies was enrolled in the academic year 2006/2007, and since then the study has been continuous.
VSITE launches the first version of the SCAD information system (SChool ADministration). Today, SCAD is an indispensable tool in all important processes and activities of VSITE, from administration and bookkeeping to teaching. All employees, professional associates and students have their own account. Through SCAD, teachers and professional associates keep records of teaching activities and student achievement on a daily basis. Students have access to all important information in a few clicks: schedule, calendar, activities, class attendance, grades, teaching materials, notifications, payments, mail, forums…
VSITE adopts the initiative for the establishment of the Specialist Graduate Professional Study of Information Technologies in an effort to complete the five-year higher education of students who successfully complete their undergraduate studies.
VSITE adopts the Ordinance on the quality management system and continuously develops the internal quality assurance system. VSITE certifies the quality management system according to the international standard ISO 9001: 2008.
VSITE receives a permanent permit from the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports for conducting the Undergraduate Professional Study of Information Technologies (CLASS: UP / I-602-04 / 10-13 / 00043, REGISTRATION NUMBER 533-07-11-0005), establishes a Process-oriented quality management system ) and receives the first ISO 9001: 2008 certificate for the Undergraduate Professional Study of Information Technologies.
After two years of intensive planning and work, VSITE is seeking permission from the Ministry of Science and Education to establish a Specialist Graduate Professional Study of Information Technology.
In 2013, the first version of the Quality Assurance Manual was adopted, which establishes a quality assurance system based on Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG 2005).
VSITE receives a permanent permit from the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports for conducting the Specialist Graduate Professional Study of Information Technologies (CLASS: UP / I-602-04 / 11-13 / 00243, REGISTRATION NUMBER 533-20-13-0007), and the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education.
VSITE receives the ISO 9001: 2008 certificate for the quality management system for the Undergraduate and Specialist graduate professional study of information technologies.
VSITE participates in Erasmus + programs, and establishes the Innovation and Development Center of VSITE - IRC VSITE.
Based on the re-accreditation procedure, VSITE receives a Certificate of eligibility for higher education activities in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education (CLASS: UP / I-602-04 / 13-13 / 00034, REGISTRATION NUMBER 533-20-15- 0007).
When introducing the e-index, VSITE certifies the information security management system according to the ISO 27001: 2013 standard and integrates it with other management systems.
The complex process of transition of the quality management system in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 9001: 2015 standard has been completed, with the simultaneous implementation of the Standards and Guidelines of the ESG 2015.
In 2018, the Standards for the Evaluation of the Quality of Polytechnics and Higher Education Institutions in the Process of Reaccreditation of Higher Education Institutions (ASHE) and the General EU Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) on the Protection of Individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data were implemented. Immediately afterwards, the information security management system was recertified according to ISO 27001: 2017.
VSITE is a partner in an artificial intelligence research and development project that is developing a new and innovative ASTERISK system and a new security product ATLAS.
The project deals with the application of data processing, artificial intelligence and computer vision, as well as the integration of various information technologies in the optimization, automation and monitoring of shopping centers. The value of the project, which is co-financed by the EU, is around € 4.5 million and should be implemented by 2021.
The results in the preparation and implementation of the project affect the study programs at the College for Information Technology through the formation of new courses in artificial intelligence.
The College for Information Technologies was awarded the Grand Gold Medal for Quality in the category of higher education at the 14th International Education Fair "Putokazi" in Novi Sad, held from March 7 to 9, 2019.
During the re-accreditation process, it was determined that more than 95% of students who graduated from VSITE work in the profession, and have successfully and without difficulty found employment, advanced in their positions and successfully retrained.
VSITE works tirelessly on the quality of study programs, teaching staff, study conditions and student standards.
At the international exhibition of innovations ARCA 2020, the gold medal was won by VSITE professors Jurica Đurić and Zvonimir Vađon, and the silver by Stjenka Bojanić.
2021. - - We celebrate 15 years of continuous work of VSITE
VSITE Innovators Club established.
VSITE received the Erasmus Charter for the period from 2021 to 2027.
We look back with pride on our 22 years of work. We are proud to be the oldest Croatian private university of computer science. We are proud of our alumni who work in their organizations and their knowledge, skills and self-sacrifice contribute to their successful business and development., Experience.
We are optimistic about the future and new challenges, because the future lies in information technology.