Studying at VSITE is a worthwhile investment. More than 95% of students who have completed their studies at VSITE are employed and have a successful career in the IT sector.
Guided by the principles of social sensitivity, we want our studies to be financially accessible to everyone, without compromising on the quality of the studies. Every VSITE student can pay the entire annual tuition with a few hours of work through the student service, on weekdays, at the minimum wage prescribed by law. With this in mind, we arrange a schedule optimized for each student without collisions and long breaks between lectures. In this way, after a few hours at VSITE, every student has time to work through the student service, study and other extracurricular activities. This way of studying raises the quality of life and studies of our students, and at the same time enables them to pay off their school fees with ease.

The tuition fee for all students is calculated according to the number of enrolled ECTS points, including students who are transferring from another study program and those who are in the lifelong education program.
The full price of an ECTS credit is €70 (527.42 HRK) for installment payment, and with a discount for one-time payment it is 63 € (474.67 HRK).
To calculate the tuition fee, the number of ECTS points is multiplied by the price of an ECTS point.
Students who transfer from another study to VSITE do not pay ECTS credits that were recognized at VSITE from their previous study.
Annual tuition fee for professional undergraduate studies for full-time students
- €3,843 (HRK 28,955.08) for a one-time payment of 61 ECTS x €63
- €4,270 (HRK 32,172.32) for installment payment of 61 ECTS x €70 (enrollment installment €1,067.5 (HRK 8,043.08) + 10 monthly installments in the amount of €320.25 (HRK 2,412.92)
Annual tuition fee for professional undergraduate studies for part-time students
- €2,709 (HRK 20,410.96) for a one-time payment of 43 ECTS x €63
- €3,010 (22,678.85 HRK) for installment payment of 43 ECTS x €70 (registration installment 752.50 (5,669.71 HRK) + 10 monthly installments in the amount of €225.75 (1,700.91 HRK)
Annual tuition fee for professional graduate studies for full-time students
- €3,780 (HRK 28,480.41) for a one-time payment (60 ECTS x €63)
- €4,200 (HRK 31,644.90) for installment payment (registration installment €1,050 + 10 monthly installments in the amount of €315 (HRK 2,373.37)
Annual tuition fee for professional graduate studies for part-time students
- €2,835 (21,360.31 HRK) for a one-time payment (45 ECTS x €63)
- €3,150 (23,733.68) for installment payment (registration installment €787.5 (5,933.42 HRK) + 10 monthly installments in the amount of €236.25 (1,780.03)
The program and price for part-time and full-time students are identical, the difference is in the time organization of the studies. What full-time students of the professional undergraduate study take and pass in three years, part-time students take and pass in four years. In the same way, what full-time students of the Specialist Diploma study take and pass in two years, part-time students take and pass in two and a half years.
IBAN: HR9724880011100137190
VSITE provides its students with numerous benefits that are included in the tuition fee
- use of a laptop with a three-year warranty and all necessary licensed programs, which upon successful completion of the studies becomes their private property
- textbooks, teaching materials and other teaching aids necessary for successfully mastering the study program
- Springer library (700 professional titles)
- workshops (Arduino, Linux, Digital electronics, Microcontrollers I and II, Creating computer games, Cloud Computing, Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Protection of intellectual property in the ICT sector)
- conferences
- registration fee for participation in professional meetings
- promotion costs and issuance of a diploma and supplementary document (diploma supplement) in Croatian and English
- additional accident insurance
- sports and other student activities
- the possibility of participating in the management of the higher education institution