Data engineering and machine learning
Today we are witnessing one of the big steps in the development of information technology. Artificial intelligence based on the model of deep learning has entered all segments of life, mostly through the development of computer vision. In information technology, we talk about data science, that is, data engineering. This area is a continuation of the development of algorithms for digital data processing, where the stochastic characteristics of data and their quantity require a new solution: machine learning.
VSITE launched the first phase of adaptation of study programs for ubiquitous digital transformation. Current and future students of VSITE will receive knowledge in the field of data engineering and machine learning from teachers who gained their experience on the largest project in the field of artificial intelligence co-financed by the EU in the Republic of Croatia - Predictions of suspicious behavior.
The top supercomputer for deep learning acquired as part of the project will enable the introduction of new and expansion of existing courses (data warehouse, mathematics courses, Business Intelligence) in the field of artificial intelligence in the first phase. In the following stages, the introduction of the Data Engineering course is planned.