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VSITE bases its long-term activities on a clear mission, vision and core values, focusing on continuous growth and development as a leading private university in modern information technologies.
VSITE's strategy documents, based on detailed analyses of the position and environment, define strategic development goals. Their achievement continuously improves the quality of education, ensures the growth of organizational knowledge and its systematic transfer to students and alumni, in accordance with the needs of industry, economy and society.

The key values ​​that guide VSITE's work are:

  • professional ethics and integrity
  • creativity and innovation
  • entrepreneurial spirit and adaptability
  • responsibility towards students and society

VSITE implements study programs that enable students and teachers to make the most of their intellectual potential and ensure 
continuity of education, sense of belonging to the IT sector and professional development. 
Special attention is paid to harmonizing professional career with personal growth, while promoting empathy and mutual understanding.

The starting points for achieving VSITE's mission and vision are:

  • competence and professionalism
  • security and stability of the education system
  • openness to new technologies and ideas
  • care for students and the community



VSITE ensures the future of its students in IT sector. 

The mission of VSITE as a private college is to educate professional baccalaureates and professional engineers of information technologies for inventive application of information technologies by which new values are formed. 


Digitalization of the economy and society for the benefit of all citizens

VSITE contributes to digitalising of the economy and society for the welfare of all citizens by continuous improvement of study programmes and various forms of lifelong learning, expert activity and scientific-research work, quality culture, professional excellence and social responsibility. 


Coordinate study programs with the development of new information technologies

VSITE harmonises study programmes with the development of new information technologies, needs of students, employers and society, predicting the future needs of the labour market and the possibilities of successful employment of students during and after their studies, their lifelong education and supporting their interest and chances for self-employment, entrepreneurial activity and transformation of their innovations into realisable technical and business solutions. 

Undergraduate professional study of IT - Introduction to a successful career

VSITE gives a chance to all secondary-school students as well as employed with completed secondary education to choose for themselves in the professional undergraduate study of information technologies between professional fields of Programming, Data bases and Web design, Computer systems and networks or Information systems and become baccalaureates engineers of information technologies who can become involved in the work of IT companies 13 immediately or continue their education in the professional graduate study of information technologies. 


Specialist graduate professional study of IT - new specialist knowledge and skills

VSITE enables students of specialist graduate study of information technologies, by focusing on the professional areas of Embedded and mobile computers, Programming Engineering and information systems, and Computer systems and networks, acquiring specialist knowledge and competencies to solve complex problems in introducing and applying information technologies and seeking answers to new technologies. challenges, leading IT projects and providing consulting services in the field of information technology, development and maintenance of information systems and management of the IT function.

Student support

VSITE ensures for its students free of charge IT equipment, textbooks and other teaching materials necessary for successful handling of study programme and getting involved in expertproject and scientific work by which they acquire necessary knowledge and competencies for successful work in chosen field and inventive application of information technologies. VSITE directs its students toward inventiveness and trains them in active participation in information and other developmental and business projects which include the application of information technology and development of IT structure and herewith contribute to economic transformation and development of strategic industrial sectors, digital economy and society as a whole. 


Scientific and professional activities - the initiator of the introduction of new study programs

Teachers and external associates of VSITE adopt, create, apply and share new theoretical and practical knowledge and skills through expert-project and scientific work and cooperation with other higher education and scientific institutions and economy and adopt and apply new information technologies in the development of new IT products and services, processes and business models and based on that continuously improve the existing and introduce new study programmes anticipating the needs and requirements for future employment of students as well as lifelong education in IT sector and other growing sectors. 


Activities within the Croatian and European Qualifications Framework

VSITE defines learning results according to qualification descriptors for the levels of the Croatian and European Qualifications Framework and by its mission and quality goals continuously harmonises general aims of study programmes with the needs of the labour market. 


Continuous monitoring of mission accomplishment

VSITE regularly monitors all internal factors through key indicators of business and realisation of short-term, middle-term and long-term (strategic) quality goals and takes all measures in order to realise its mission and Development strategy through Action programme which is being harmonised each year. Hereby it adjusts to changes of external factors in micro and macro surroundings which present new chances and threats.

Vision of VSITE 

VSITE is a private college which enables: 

  • growth of competencies and personal development of its students and teachers, 
  • openness towards new information technologies, 
  • acquiring of qualifications based on competencies and practical skills in chosen field,
  • employment during and after completion of the study and 
  • successful career advancement. 

VSITE becomes an incubator of baccalaureates and professional engineers of information technologies necessary in economy, digital economy and networked society. 

VSITE continuously grows through connecting with society and colleges in the country and abroad. Employers are prepared to finance VSITE through: 

  • granting scholarships to students and 
  • expert and scientific projects directed to development and implementation of innovative IT products and services and inventive application of new information technologies in which students and teachers of VSITE and other colleges in the country and abroad are involved and with whom VSITE cooperates on a long-term basis.

Ulica Vjekoslava Klaića 7, 10000 Zagreb, tel. 01/3764200 fax. 01/3764264