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The information system SCAD (SCHool ADminsitration) is a project that VSITE has been developing for - years. Today, SCAD is an indispensable tool in all essential processes and activities of VSITE, from administration and bookkeeping to teaching. All employees, professional associates and students have their own user account. Through SCAD, teachers and professional associates keep records of teaching activities and students' success on a daily basis. Students have access to all important information in a few clicks: schedule, calendar, activities, class attendance, grades, teaching materials, notifications, payments, mail, forums...

The SCAD (School ADminsitration) system supports the processes of planning and monitoring classes and exams and other key business processes of the higher education institution, namely:

  • implementation of the classification procedure with application of candidates, interview and automatic generation of the ranking list
  • enrollment of students with planning of enrolled subjects and recognition of subjects of previous study and automatic printing of enrollment documents and indexes
  • monitoring student tuition payments, sending monthly payment slips for installment payments
  • publication of teaching materials, news and communication with students via the subject forum
  • creating a calendar and weekly schedule of classes (by studies and departments that are individualized for each student and teacher)
  • monitoring the performance of classes and student evaluation results through weekly tests
  • the system of conducting a student survey on the quality of studies
  • monitoring success in colloquiums and monitoring success in the exam
  • IT support for holding exams through electronic exam lists and application forms, as well as a system for verifying entries
  • IT support for the completion of studies, through the procedures for registering the final or diploma thesis
  • appointment of a mentor, appointment of a committee for defense, submission of work and records of work defense, and completion of studies
  • system of programmable order record with classification of acts
  • a system of automatic generation and ordering of all relevant student documents, from birth and enrollment certificates, contracts, certificates of study, through exam sheets and reviews of all student activities, to final exam records, certificate of completion of studies, diploma supplement and the diploma itself
  • system of automatic records of teachers' work with the generation of work reports according to accounting
  • monitoring system for the election and re-election of teachers

Ulica Vjekoslava Klaića 7, 10000 Zagreb, tel. 01/3764200 fax. 01/3764264